Roof Cleaning

Over time, roofs can accumulate dirt, debris, moss, algae, and lichen. These contaminants not only make your roof look unattractive and uncared for, but can also cause significant damage if left untreated. Here’s why regular roof cleaning is important:

Prolongs Roof Life: Moss can absorb up over 2,000% of their dry weight. As a result of moss consistenly expanding and contracting, it can move and/or displace your roofs tiles.

Prevents Damage: Debris and organic growth can trap moisture, causing rot and structural damage. Cleaning removes these harmful elements, and can also remove any unncessary weight from the roof preventing further damage.

Enchancing appearance: Purely asthetic, but wouldn’t your home look even better with a clean roof?

Will roof cleaning damage your roof?

Our expert team are experienced in tackling different types of roofs. We work dilligently and carefully when working on and around roofs to ensure no damage is done, yet providing the best results to our customers.



Revive Sussex offers services multiple methods of cleaning roofs – roof scraping & pressure washing

Roof scraping: This method involves us scraping of the moss with a roof scrapper. This is a very manual intense job where we will use a telescopic pole with various attachments, and manually scrape off all the any debris and moss that is sticking to the tiles.

Low pressure cleaning: Using a telescopic pole, this method we will carefully pressure wash the roof at low pressure. This ensure all debris, moss, algae, and lichens are removed.

Post chemical treatment – biocide: We will ALWAYS post treat the roof following any method of cleaning. Although your roof might be visibily clean the day we finish, we want to ensure that our customers get the best results possible. We will treat your roof with a biocide treatment, which over the coming weeks and months keep on working, killing any algae, moss, lichens and black spots. Once applied, your results may improve over time.

Which method is best for my roof?

 This depends on the type of roof and the type of tiles, in addition to access and surroundings.

Get in contact with the team so we can arrange a site survery and discuss what options are best for your roof. Contact us now!